There’s something inherently healing about a she shed. The privacy, peace and serenity of that space is what compels so many women to declare, “I want one. I NEED one.”
Recently, two very well-known beauty and self-care artists discovered the perfect relationship between she shed living and self care.
Recently Andrea Ortega Costigan, co-founder with Mariana McGrath of Salt Spell Beauty in Southern California, saw a she shed in person for the very first time. She decided it was the perfect place for practicing good self care. Salt Spell Beauty specializes in on-location services for celebrities, women executives, athletes and more who want to look and feel their best “whether (they’re) about to walk onstage, down the aisle or into the boardroom.”
While their business client list is filled with recognizable women, the best friend founders are very grounded. They are particularly interested in the simple, natural things that help a woman be her most radiant self. Skin care is very high on the service list.
We are thrilled to share their recipe for a brightening facial mask, made with pure and easy ingredients. Andrea shows how it all comes together in the video and we suggest making your facial space just as heavenly and comfortable as they did. Here, Armina Colloms styled the shed with colorful florals and tropical accents.
The face mask is made with full-fat yogurt, fresh pineapple, turmeric, and Manuka honey. The yogurt contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates and softens the skin. Turmeric and Manuka honey both have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties which can help to prevent breakouts, heal acne, and brighten hyperpigmentation. Turmeric also helps brighten your overall complexion and natural skin glow.
Pineapple, Honey & Turmeric Facial Mask
1/2 cup full-fat yogurt
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp Manuka honey (available at Whole Foods and Sprouts)
1/4 cup pineapple, diced
Blend all ingredients together in a mortar-and-pestle bowl. Take the pestle and gently mash the pineapple. Apply mask to forehead, T-zone, cheeks and chin (avoid the eyes). Sit for 5-10 minutes then remove with a warm, damp towel.
Try It in Your Own Special Place
We recommend a cool, quiet she shed or private room with a chaise lounge. Rest with your eyes closed while waiting for the mask to set; light some of your favorite candles. Afterwards get yourself a mug of herbal tea and spend some time journaling, reading or reflecting. Stress affects our face very directly and giving our skin and minds some refreshment can make a remarkable (and brightening) difference.
Want to get inspired? See Sabrina’s tips for a stylish shed — who knows, maybe you’ll recognize the space!
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